About Dr Randeep Wadhawan
- M.S., FACS (USA), FIAGES (Hon.), FMAS, FAIS, FICS. Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
- HoD & Director, Dept of Minimal Access, Bariatric & Gastrointestinal Surgery, Fortis Flt Lt Rajan Dhall Hospital, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
- Dr Wadhawan has more than 21 years of expertise in Minimal Access Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Metabolic Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes.
- Dr Wadhawan has over 30, 000 laparoscopic surgeries performed till date.
- Dr Wadhawan is running a dedicated and successful Obesity , Bariatric & Metabolic surgery programme at FORTIS Hospital, Vasant Kunj & Escorts.
- He routinely performs: Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) , Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Laparoscopic Gastric bypass, Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass & Revision Bariatric procedures with excellent results while the department is doing more than 150 bariatric & Metabolic procedures a year.
- Dr Wadhawan is currently doing tailored Laparoscopic Metabolic procedures for remission of Diabetes Type II at Fortis, amongst one of the very few centres in India doing the procedures.
- Dr Wadhawan was a member of the team performing a Lap assisted PCNL for an ectopic Kidney- one of only 10 cases reported in the world in 2005.
- Prior to joining Fortis, Dr Wadhawan promoted the Department of Minimal Access Surgery and was the Chief Laparoscopic Surgeon at R.G. Stone Urological & Laparoscopic Research Institute, New Delhi (1997 to 2006).
- He did his Senior Residency from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India. (October 1994 – December 1997) in Laparoscopic surgery learning from the leading Laparoscopic surgeons & for one year in the Department of Urology & Renal Transplant Surgery, he independently performed open and endo urological procedures and actively assisted in Renal Transplant surgery including his being independently doing Donor nephrectomies. He actively involved himself in the teaching programme of DNB Surgery students.
- Dr. Wadhawan has several national & international publications to his credit.
- He has been invited as operative Faculty at several conferences/workshops to demonstrate Advanced Laparoscopic procedures & Laparoscopic Bariatric procedures.
- Dr. Wadhawan has been invited as faculty for guest lectures and has presented more than 100 papers on Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal, advanced Laparoscopic procedures and Bariatric surgeries in National , International conferences & CMEs regularly.
- He is a known face in various forums including Print and electronic media and various T.V. Channels.
- He has been writing articles for national news papers, health magazines regularly.
- He is the national faculty with the prestigious Johnson and Johnson Ethicon Endosurgery Institute for Bariatric Surgery, Endohernia , MIPH , Laparoscopic solid organs program to train and teach surgeons from all over the country.
- He has completed a certified course & workshop in Bariatric surgery at the high volume International Centre of Excellence, Krankenhaus Sachenhausen, Frankfurt, Germany, with Prof. Rudolf Weiner.
- Life Member: IAGES – Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons ; AMASI – Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India ; ASI – Association of Surgeons of India ; OSSI– Obesity Surgery Society of India ; IFSO– International Federation for the surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders ; APHS – Asia-Pacific Hernia Society ; Delhi Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India; IMA – Indian Medical Association; DMA (South Delhi Branch) – Delhi Medical Association; HSI – Hernia Society of India.
Advanced Laparoscopic & Complex Gastrointestinal Surgeries, Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries, Laparoscopic Urology , Laparoscopy in Paediatrics, Laparoscopic Colorectal Procedures, Laparoscopic Foregut Surgeries and Endo hernias.